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Thanks! Gray Wolf!

I want to give a shout out to GrayWolf over at

An awesome site I have on the top of my Google homepage! You know I wish i could work out a deal that everytime i write or say Google I would get a buck! Anyways it really is a great site that covers a bunch of online marketing material, written by a seemingly cool and very knowledgeable guy.  I also happened to attend the SEOclass, which is over here:

Now that also happens to be an awesome event which I was lucky enough to attend for free. Soooooo.

He hooked it up and posted a link to my post about how great SEO class was. And it was just a mutual link love fest, .. Im just kidding but it was just cool to get a link from someone I’ve been reading for a while. Even if its just for  SEOclass Shameless Self promotion.

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